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Planning From Children's Interests. How Do You Manage/organise?

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I was wondering if any of you kind people would mind sharing how you personally manage and organise planning from children's interests and planning based on what has happened that lesson, been observed etc So for example do you plan a lesson for a Monday in advance, all typed up etc then plan your Tuesday lesson on Monday night and just hand scribble it? Or do you plan a weeks worth of lessons then just scrap them if something unexpected happens?


I am thinking less about adapting CP to childrens interests, and more about adult led activities, literacy etc.


A range of different approaches would be useful for me to see please!


Thanks in advance xx


i'm in preschool so not sure if my way of working will be useful or not but from friday to thursday we have a sheet on the staff notice board on which we write any areas of interest seen and then on friday I take one or more of those interests and plan for the following week.


i'm in a school nursery and we do not have lesson plans. just type up room/garden plans and what adult led activities there are. also what we are supporting/observing. rest is continuous provision, and we just add to it according to children's interests. this is very manageable. through week staff add comments/evaluate area they are in, and we all do on carpet time planning too, then we all sit down and unpick it thursday at our weekly planning. also look at narrative observations and use these to plan in an activity for these children too. also look at anything sent in by parents or told to us, so these can be slotted in too. we just do our best, and ensure one 'group' of children do not dominate and shape plans, and all children get a fair share over a half term. this week the dressing up clothes have been used to make bandanas so they can be captain jack sparrow, so we'll get out our pirate box and go with it next week. will draw treasure maps to encourage mark-making etc. and one 'rising 3' boy is not playing with anyone but did try to use the talking telephone by himself and it wouldn't work, so i'll suggest we get more resources that only work with 2 out, e.g. see-saw etc to encourage him to seek out others. hope this helps




We do a combination of approaches - both planned (as in over a half term/term, depending on class size) we talk to each child in turn and discuss their individual interests then follow these either by enhancing CP or by specific planned activities - either child suggested or adult. This could run for a week or just an afternoon session depending on how successful / interested rest of class are (and child themselves, sometimes they lose interest!)

Alongside this we also try to facilitate any suggestions we can, with as much immediacy as possible. So, for example, this week we have followed a child's planned interest for 2 afternoons, and have also followed a more immediate one, prompted by the weather. A child made a model from a bought resource (don't know name) of an umbrella then decided she wanted to make a real one, she could suggest the resources we might need and as she had already investigated what happens to different types of paper in water the day before (as another line of enquiry followed) she had a good idea that the material required would need to be waterproof. Anyhow, I feel that these more immediate activities are the most successful and relevant. The children know (through the ongoing discussions etc about who is going to be the next child) that their opinions matter so it is quite natural. As the mornings are usually quite set with PRSN, L and S and CLL I now feel confident that our afternoons will be jam packed with somebodies specific interest. I record these daily, as a respective plan, then link it into what area of learning has been covered etc. These individual plans then stand alongside Learning Journals as another form of evidence.


Don't know if that helps or confuses!

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