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Planning For Numeracy And Literacy

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Hi, Can anyone attach a copy of their weekly literacy and numeracy plans for me to have a look at! Im in Reception/F2 and the school is keen to have literacy and numeracy all morning in line with the rest of the school. Although in F2 it will be slightly different and I will allow the children to access all areas of the curriculum I would like to see how others in the same situation are planning for this!

Thanks heaps




I'm an NQT and am in the same situation as you as the school wants literacy and numeracy to be taught daily. Unfortunately, I haven't yet got my head around the planning either so would also love to see how others organise it. I was thinking of having a whole class input followed by a focus activity with myself and support staff with another member of staff facilitating/observing. The remaining children I thought could choose from a planning board. Not sure if this is ok though.


Hi green,


I was in a similar situation last year - and spent a lot of time thinking of how best to do this - as there are presures to fit in with the 'rest of the school' - Literacy and Numeracy 'Hours' and the overriding feeling of the Foundation Stage being actually very different.


If you scroll back there have been lots of different conversations about this - I know I turned to the site after feeling completely overwhemed about what to do!!!


I would say that what you actually need is 3 planning formats (1 for each term) that show a progression of working up aspects of 'Literacy and Numeracy' which is expected for year One (not forgeting of course lots going on in year One at the moment in Transition - which is to take into account FS ! YIPPEE ! )


It sound like you have the right idea in terms of thinking of whole class and group - however I would say that small group learning opportunities are best to begin with - having carpet sessions for things such as such as 'stories' and 'singing'


Hope this is of help


I would try to maintain flexibility and integration of both literacy and numeracy throughout the day for as long as possible. That does not mean that you can not have teaching focus times but that they may also be integrated within other "subject" areas! I did not always have a dedicated literacy or numeracy session everyday although I did have a phonics session every day and guided reading and some activities involving mathematical language --number songs and rhymes for example.

I found separate planners tended to lead to too much formality which my children could not cope with!! So I liked to work with one integrated planner too.

I also liked to have my PE sessions in the morning when the children were less tired and more inclined to listen and work appropriately, also less demand on the hall timetable from the rest of the school so it was not so important to clock watch!!


Hamilton trust has some good plans that you can adapt to suit your needs in both literacy and maths although they have recently introduced a subscription.

Posted (edited)


I do both literacy and numeracy each morning apart from a Friday. It is very active and practical based. The children love it. I use the Jolly Phonics literacy programme which is fantastic and Ginn maths which is available from the Hamilton Trust website under Foundation 2.

For literacy, I do a very active phonics and Pips session which the children love. It works well with children of all abilities. I also use the 'Playing with sounds' folder. The CD-ROM included in that folder is particularly good with a projector.


Following on from the Phonics I do either a very simple big book which the children can read with me or more of a sentence type activity such as jumbled sentences. The children then are split into four abilty groups. (the children aren't aware of the grps being ability) One group works with me for 10 mins, one with my TA and the other 2 grps choose from the range of child initiated, play based activities around the unit. Then the children change round. This time increases as the year goes on.


I was an NQT last year and really panicked about my literacy and numeracy planning and I often ended up planning far too much. For literacy, I have found that it is better to concentrate on Phonics because if the children don't know their sounds they get frustrated in their writing acitivities.

I've found the Hamilton Trust website fantastic for numeracy ideas.


Here is a copy of my planning formats. I hope they are of some use to people.

Take care everyone and enjoy the rest of your holiday!!!








Edited by Guest

It has been really helpful to me to hear and see examples of how others plan their literacy and numeracy so thanks to you all.


Can I ask if you link your literacy and numeracy with the topic you are covering? I would like to do this but I am aware that it can be difficult to make meaningful links.

  • 4 weeks later...
Hi green,


I was in a similar situation last year - and spent a lot of time thinking of how best to do this - as there are presures to fit in with the 'rest of the school' - Literacy and Numeracy 'Hours' and the overriding feeling of the Foundation Stage being actually very different.


If you scroll back there have been lots of different conversations about this - I know I turned to the site after feeling completely overwhemed about what to do!!!


I would say that what you actually need is 3 planning formats (1 for each term) that show a progression of working up aspects of 'Literacy and Numeracy' which is expected for year One (not forgeting of course lots going on in year One at the moment in Transition - which is to take into account FS ! YIPPEE ! )


It sound like you have the right idea in terms of thinking of whole class and group - however I would say that small group learning opportunities are best to begin with - having carpet sessions for things such as such as 'stories' and 'singing'


Hope this is of help



Hey Susan - I was wondering whether you had a copy of this integrated planner? I'm keen to do something along these lines but to convince my team I also need evidence!!!




D xxx

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