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Just wondering if others use TAs to make resources, do displays etc during the time when the children are in? I try to avoid this if possible as I feel guilty that the staff are not playing with the children although they would be still in the room, talking to the children etc. It's just that my FS coordinator suggested that I ask my TAs to do some making of resources, getting things out, doing displays etc while the children are playing (sometimes) so that it's not all left for me to do at the beginning or end of the sessions.

I know that all these things benefit the children in the end and that it is common practice further up the school but I somehow don't like doing it???

What are your thoughts?

Green Hippo x


I give my TA all Friday afternoon for her PPA and I take the class by myself for music/goldentime/assembly and she uses that time to prepare all my resources for the following week from my plans. She uses any spare moments eg when I'm doing the register or any other carpet sessions to prep displays etc and she often stays after school with me to finish them off. She also uses assembly time to prep resources for adult initiated activities. My TA doesn't do these jobs when the children are playing in their child initiated time as she is there with me to support/observe play.


Guest ChunkyMan

I give my TA PPA time on a Friday also where she sorts out her phonics and numbertime resources, she also does a lot after school as we pay her till 3:30 most days and till 4:30 once a week so she does a lot then. She also makes resources etc during whole class carpet stuff at the end of the day. I must admit I do a lot of my own resources as I feel my TA does so much and doesn't get paid nearly as much as me.

C x

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