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I am in the process of setting up an after school club. How do you charge your fees e.g. weekly, termly in advance etc. Do you get people to pay and book in advance? and do you charge a reduction for siblings?


All answers greatly appreciated.




Hello there!!


Our afterschool club serves a very socially deprived area and we have tried to remain as flexible as possible and so to that end parents can pay as they go or at the end of each week.


Some parents pay monthly or half termly but this is always in advance!


If they book a place but dont use it for any reason they have a flat charge of £3


If 2 or more siblings use the club for the whole session there is a reduction


If 3 or more siblings use the club we knock 10% off the bil as a whole regardlless of what hours they attend.


Our prices: 3.15 - 4.30 is £3

3.15 - 5.30 is £5

3.15 - 6pm is £7


Two or more children staying until 6pm the charge is reduced to £5 each instead of £7 each.


We ask that parents book because of staffing levles for under 8's.

We do take them though if they havent booked but we have a place.


Hope this helps!!


Feel free to message me if I can be of any further help! :D

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