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Survey For All Male Professionals In Early Years

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Would you like to take part in a survey conducted by Charlotte Jones, a PhD student in Birmingham? The survey aims to explore the experiences of male professionals working with young children and will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.


This is aimed at all male professionals working in early childhood education and care (including teachers, early years professionals and practitioners working in the early years).


Charlotte would be very grateful for your contributions, and it may well do some good in attracting more men into the sector. :1b


Please complete the survey on your own behalf and forward the link to any other male professionals you may know working within early childhood education and care. All responses to the survey will be kept anonymous. In addition to this, I should emphasise that your participation in the survey is voluntary. The survey runs until April 5th, and feedback is expected at the end of May.


If you have any comments/questions or observations, do please ask them here, and Charlotte will get back to you asap.


Please access the survey here


Many thanks!

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