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Number Area


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Hi Everyone


I've recently had a move around in my classroom but need some ideas on what to do with my number area! it is hardly ever used by the children in my class i need some inspiration!!

Please Help



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not sure if this is any help but this is what we have -


selection of baskets with different items -

snakes (diff lengths / sizes etc),

sorting bears / animals/ transport,

differnet sized gift boxes

selection of different types of dice

large and small number tiles

number mat

selection of simple games to play independently

washing lines

number cards and number lines

selection of books, whiteboards and pens


we also put a number story or rhyme sack in the area each week


in september we are going to set up a permanent 'shop' role play to encourage children into the area and chhange the shop to fit in with topics


hope some of this may help :)

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A few more suggestions:

top pan balance

number fans



sand timers



magnetic shapes and boards

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  • 7 years later...

I found a number sack on amazon that my class have really enjoyed, great for 'playing and exploring' and 'critical thinking'. I used it as stimulus for maths circle time inititally and then added it to number area, led to lots of problem solving. I now need another one!



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