SueFinanceManager Posted November 22, 2011 Author Posted November 22, 2011 Time to announce the winners......drum roll please!!! We had a tie for 1st & 2nd place and for the 3rd place winner so thanks to Steve (FSF lord & master) for drawing the names out of the hat and deciding the winners In first place winning FSF mug & Pen and Promoting Children's Well-being in the Primary Years (Right from the Start) by Andrew Burrell and Jeni Riley is Hello Kitty In second place winning FSF Pad & Pen and Understanding Early Years Policy by Peter Baldock, Mr Damien Fitzgerald, and Janet Kay is Melba In third place winning FSF Pen and Supporting ICT in the Early Years (Supporting Early Learning) by John Siraj-Blatchford and David Whitebread in Anne. Will confirm proper username when I have heard from her....the email address she contacted me on is different from the one registered on the system Thanks to all of you that took part and to put you out of your misery here are the answers....remember my answers are final 1 What colour was coca cola originally GREEN 2 In Scotland above what height in feet do climbers call peaks a Munro 3000 FT (after Sir Hugh Munro mountaineer) 3 What do the initials MGM represent METRO GOLDWYN MAYER 4 What part of the human body can expand to 20 times its normal size STOMACH (0.5litres – 5 litres) 5 Which country uses the DAX 30 Index as its share price indicator GERMANY 6 What is the name of the Brewery in Lewes HARVEY & SON’S 7 Brewed by the brewery in Q6, which of their bottled beers has the highest Alcohol by volume IMPERIAL RUSSIAN STOUT 2000 ABV 9.0% 8 Where are Albany, Camphill and Parkhurst prisons ISLE OF WIGHT 9 From which old language does the word chocolate originate AZTEC OR MAYAN 10 Mario and Luigi are brothers in a famous computer game series; what is their surname MARIO 11 Which western European language only uses 21 letters of the standard alphabet ITALIAN (except for foreign words) 12 How many muscles does your body use to balance itself when you are standing still 300 13 How many limbs does a squid have 10 14 The Dickin Medal inscribed “we also serve” and “for gallantry” is awarded to which members of the UK armed forces ANIMALS 15 A regatta is a boat race; where was the original regatta held VENICE 16 The Lewes Comets played in the local football league but never played an away game; why THEY ARE THE PRISON TEAM 17 A piece of music called a trumpet voluntary is usually played on which instrument ORGAN (from the trumpet stop) 18 After a relationship of 43 years who dumped Ken for Blaine BARBIE (Not Deirdre as someone know who you are ) 19 What martial arts name means gentle way JUDO 20 What fashion did the 19th century American General Ambrose Burnside start SIDEBURNS 21 Which Italian tractor maker turned to making cars in the 1960s LAMBORGHINI 22 What part of a frog do you rub to hypnotise it BELLY (STOMACH) 23 Which non alcoholic cordial is made from pomegranates GRENADINE 24 What is unusual about John Cage’s orchestral composition entitled “4minutes 33 seconds” SILENCE ( it’s all complete silence) 25 What day is all racehorses’ birthday 1ST JANUARY 26 Henry VIII gave a fine Wealden house in Lewes to which wife as part of their divorce settlement ANNE OF CLEVES 27 Which Mediterranean country’s orchestra is bigger than its army MONACO 28 On which track does the Chatanooga Choo Choo leave Pennsylvania Station TRACK 29 29 Which well known 20th century poet and playwright’s last known words were “I’ve had 18 straight whiskies, I think that’s a record” DYLAN THOMAS 30 In 1889 what took over from the Great Pyramid as the world’s tallest building EIFFEL TOWER 31 What kind of animal is described in the children’s rhyme “4 stiff standers, 4 diddy danders, 2 hookers, 2 lookers and a wig wag” COW (my favourite question ) 32 Which is our longest month of the year OCTOBER (31days + 1 hour) 33 What do you do with a flag to make a distress signal FLY IT UPSIDE DOWN 34 What European river flows through, or forms the border of, 10 countries and also flows through 4 capitals DANUBE 35 Other than humans, what are the only animals that have sex for pleasure DOLPHINS 36 Which food did the Victorians refer to as “bags of mystery” SAUSAGES 37 Bonfire night in Lewes has been described thus ‘Imagine a head-on collision of Halloween and Mardi Gras and you're well on your way to picturing Bonfire Night, Lewes style’ name 2 of the 7 bonfire societies that cause chaos on the 5th November each year CLIFFE, COMMERCIAL SQ, BOROUGH, NEVILL JUVENILLE, SOUTHOVER, SOUTH ST, WATERLOO 38 What is the singular of scampi SCAMPO 39 In which country is the port of Fray Bentos URUGUAY 40 In 1931 what was the first live televised sports event THE DERBY OR HORSE RACING 41 Who were the first animated (cartoon) television couple to sleep in a double bed FLINTSTONES (FRED AND WILMA) 42 What is the well known word for 'sailor of the universe' COSMONAUT (ASTRONAUT IS 'SAILOR OF THE STARS') 43 Which Oscar winning film is based on the trials and tribulations of Harold Abraham and Eric Liddell CHARIOTS OF FIRE 44 Which modern means of transport now usually replaces the richly adorned but antiquated and impractical 'Sedia Gestatoria' THE POPEMOBILE(S) 45 John Spilsbury is credited with putting together which baffling invention in the 1760s THE JIGSAW PUZZLE 46 Which ferry port can be found at the end of the River Ouse (near Lewes obviously) NEWHAVEN (ferries go to Dieppe) 47 In the British TV series The Goodies a martial art form known as Eckythump was sometimes practiced. What delicacy was used as the weapon BLACK PUDDING SAUSAGE 48 Which 1983 Grand National winning horse shares it's name with a lighthouse on Jersey CORBIERE 49 In Fawlty Towers what was the name of Manuel's pet hamster, which was really a rat BASIL 50 What year was the first ‘Children in Need’ telethon held 1980 (£1 million was raised that year) Have attached sheet with answers if anyone wanted a copy too. Thanks again, Sue x 999_Quiz___Answers_CHILDREN_IN_NEED_2011.doc
Hello Kitty Posted November 22, 2011 Posted November 22, 2011 Wow! Thank you so much. I may have already mentioned how much I enjoyed it
Hello Kitty Posted November 23, 2011 Posted November 23, 2011 Just to let you know my prize arrived today! I had no idea what it was as didn't expect it so fast! Once again thank you so so much. I've felt so rubbish about life in general lately it really picked me up to have something else to focus on and then to get a prize too!!
SueFinanceManager Posted November 24, 2011 Author Posted November 24, 2011 Just to let you know my prize arrived today! I had no idea what it was as didn't expect it so fast! Once again thank you so so much. I've felt so rubbish about life in general lately it really picked me up to have something else to focus on and then to get a prize too!! Well I am delighted to hear that the FSF brought a little sunshine into your life....that is part of what we try to do here....being an early years person can be a tough job sometimes especially when managing our own lives and those of our families so the FSF is a place to hang out, relax and escape Your Tea will taste sweeter out of the FSF mug for sure Sue x
SueFinanceManager Posted November 24, 2011 Author Posted November 24, 2011 I can now offically confirm that the it was annefb that was our member in 3rd does confuse me when you people use your real names What can I think up for next year???? Thanks again guys, Sue x
Guest Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 If you give us a clue for next year then I'll start revising!!!
SueFinanceManager Posted November 25, 2011 Author Posted November 25, 2011 If you give us a clue for next year then I'll start revising!!!
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