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Being Creative - Responding To Experiences...

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Just wondering if others find the aspect: 'Being Creative - Responding to experiences, expressing and communicating ideas' difficult to judge which age and stage children are in, especially the 22-23month age and stage? I find the LLN bit not very helpful as when I read it I can think of times when my 14 month old has responded in the way it suggests and I don't think he's particularly advanced!! What sort of things do you look for? I think the next 2 stages are much easier to know what I'm looking for.


Green Hippo x


We have it broken down for children with special needs as the following :


I show an interest in that what I see, hear, smell, touch and feel

I use body language, gestures, facial expression or words to indicate my personal satisfaction or frustration

I discuss what I am doing giving a reason

I show an interest in displayed collections

I talk about the effects of different tools on the dough

I state what I am going to paint

I state what I am going to build

I state what I am going to draw


Hope that helps.


Thanks, Aunt Sally, I like how you've broken it down. Do some of these statements refer to 30-50 months also as I think that some are a bit more than I would expect the children to be confident in as they start Nursery e.g. "talking about effects" or "indicating personal satisfaction or frustration"?.

Green Hippo x

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