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Time line indicating a child's growing awareness of his/her body? (0 -8yrs)?


Any help please - ie. 3 month baby - fingers in mouth etc.

2 -6 ?



Thanks. :o


Sorry Sue, I missed your post!


I don't know of a published timeline that gives this information, but other things that spring to mind are:


* Watching movement of own hand in front of face

* Playing with own toes (and doing the kind of yoga movements I can only dream about!)

*Enjoying sensory input such as splashing in water, manipulating sand, dough, food (!)

* Copying movements that an adult does

* Getting toys to do things when a button is pressed, for example

* Responding to sounds and music; rocking, clapping, stamping, etc

* Making marks; in sand, in paint, dough etc.

* Moving arms and legs helpfully when being changed

* Pulls off socks

* Dribbling drink, blowing bubbles, making funny noises when s/he eats

Feeding self , sucking fingers, etc

* All the stuff connected to nappies/potties



Hope this gives you a start. Maybe if you ordered these into a timeline, more exmaples would follow?

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