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Good morning!


I have an interview next week for an internal promotion opportunity for an Area Manager position. It's actually an Assessment day lasting 3 hours, part of the day will involve giving a 10 minute presentation on ...




'My first 3 months in the role of the area manager'. Please illustrate what you feel the challenges would be and how you would overcome them. Also state what you see as the priorities and how you would achieve them. Finally what support and development you would need to ensure you are effective in the role.


I'm a big fan of the phrase "winning the hearts and minds of people" and I do feel that this fits in with the companies ethos.

Challenges; getting into a routine of visiting the nurseries I will be responsible for and getting to know the staff who work in them and acknowledging that all of the nurseries are different. Finding out what challenges they themselves face; late payers, budgets, quirky staff (we all have them!!) and finding ways to overcome these and help to put them right

Priorities; visiting the nurseries asap after being appointed as AM and spending time in them

Support and Development; very lucky to have a large company behind me with all HR, finance, Health and Safety etc in place, but what support would I need? I have a BA(Hons) in Nursery Management and have worked for the company for 4.5 years


Planning on doing a power point presentation. I have only received this this morning so these are my initial waking thoughts (still in bed in fact!!!), so if any of you lovely colleagues out there can think of anything, have any ideas etc I will be forever in your debt as I really, really want this job!


Some of you may remember that I had a line manager from HELL, fortunately she has now left (or was she pushed??) so quite happy to stay with the company as I do believe in them and everything they stand for!


Thanks and have a great weekend all - guess what I will be doing!!!!!


First of all I want to say 'good luck'!. I hope, wherever the interview is, that it goes well and that you will be able to look back on it (whatever the outcome) feeling that you showed yourself in a good light.

I just have a couple of thoughts, if it is not too late:

1. What about meeting with individual managers to get to know them and the issues they face - starting to build a working relationship with them

2. Reading their SEFs and any other self-assessment tools

3. Finding out what their priorities for development are and ensuring they are recorded clearly

4. Finding out how these priorities were set and if parents, children and staff were all consulted.

Good luck again.


Thank you for your kind thoughts and good wishes; and ideas and suggestions!


Assessment day is Thursday so please keep everything crossed for me




Hi All, an update; assessment day went well, but obviously not well enough as I had a call today to say I won't be going through to the next round. Haven't had the feedback yet, I am bitterly disappointed but hey ho!!


Back to the drawing board!!


Thanks for your help and good wishes x

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