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Help With Questionnaire Needed Please!

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Hi everyone,


I need some help again!!!


I've been working really hard since the last time I wrote and have decided on the focus for my dissertation, thanks to all those who gave me ideas and encouragement.


I've decided to research whether taking the play based philosophy of the FS upwards into Y1 sustain's children's motivation and interest in learning during the transition process and enables them to continue achieving.

I have devised a questionnaire for RY and Y1 practitioners to help me find out about:

current transition practices

issues concerning practitioners

practitioners views on taking the FS upwards into Y1



I would be very grateful to hear from anyone who could spare a few minutes to complete it. My e-mail address is


I can e-mail the questionnaire to interested practitioners.

I would be really interested to hear from anyone who has taken the FS upwards as I don't know of many schools who have done this.


I think this site is a great idea because it allows practitioners from all over the country to communicate with one another and exchange ideas and views. Brilliant!


Hope to hear from someone soon!




Hello everyone,



Just like to say thanks to those that have contacted me about completing my questionnaire.


Your help is much appreciated!



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