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Using The Ict Suite

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Hi, Im an NQT in reception. We have access to the ICT suite twice a week. Due to size of class we will be visiting in 20 minute shifts. Apart from using colour magic and espresso, can anyone make suggestions as to how I make good use of this time? Thank you


There are a whole range of lovely games and activities you can access to improve computer skills including hand eye coordination depending on the software you have access to in school. You may find that you need to teach the children to log in and out too.


There is an excellent ICT progression document that you can find on Lancsgfl which will help you plan appropriate and meaningful activities.


Have fun.


We also have an allocated ICT suite time, which I use in small groups.

I have found some nice ideas on the Kent site for Early ICT (I found it through a google search of Early ICT). We also use www.poissonrouge.com and www.educationcity.com.

Later in the year we learn to log on and off etc but at the moment just enjoy exploring a website or a program like you mentioned. :)

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