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I am applying for a nursery teaching position, I'm just trying to think forward to the interview, if it gets that far, from reading the job description, and I think the buzz words are going to be:


English as a second language


Equal Opportunities


EAL - I will mention things about valuing first language, providing dual language texts, lots of visual props / story aids,

Equal opportunities - well, will mention positive (but not token) images around classroom, celebrating and valuing different cultures and events, making classroom accessible....

SEN - not sure of the 'right' responses to this question


any ideas welcomed...



SEN - What experience have you had?

What methods would you use to identify a child who may require SEN support?

How would you follow this through?

Why is partnership with parents important.

Why is partnership with other agencies important.

How would you communicate your findings with other agencies / parents?

What support would you get from the setting in meeting the childs needs? Ask to see the settings policies and procedures (preferably before interview)


Hope this gets you started.




SEN - What experience have you had?

What methods would you use to  identify a child who may require SEN support?

How would you follow this through?

Why is partnership with parents important.

Why is partnership with other agencies important.

How would you communicate your findings with other agencies / parents?

What support would you get from the setting in meeting the childs needs? Ask to see the settings policies and procedures (preferably before interview)


Hope this gets you started.





thanks peggy


have had experience of working with autistic, behavioural, medical needs,


identification - observation, record keeping, discussion with parents and noting of their concerns (or lack of), liasing with senco, and other adults in the setting,

Parents need to understand and support the steps taken to support their child, they may need to take child to see doctor / speech therapist etc, may need to carry out specific tasks at home to support their child,

i think this kind of thing is along the right sort of lines, but probably needs more added to it, what do you think


thanks very much for your help, this site is great isn't it.....!!!!!1


For Emag


How will you support a child who is crying and doesn't speak english?


How will you reassure a concerned parent about leaving their child for the first time? - trust me even if they don't speak english you'll know their are concerned!!


If the school is very multicultural - find out what dominates the school for example my school is predominately Pakistani families from the Mirpuir region, there can be regional variances like north / south divides, dialects and even languages etc!


Find out how you would be supported?


Talk about having their script displayed aswell as English, if I'm correct apart from the CLL part of the FS profile, all the other areas can be completed/achieved in Mother Tongue. Equal opps is a large part of EAL too, like uniforms, cultural beliefs and access e.g. we can't run clubs after school as many go to mosque, so we run them during lunch times or before school!


Talk about your displays being interactive and resources being independently accessed!


Hope that helps plant a few thoughts!


Good luck!


p.s. remember flexibility and patience v. important!


Basilbrush, Glad I could help, your on the right lines now.

Just relax, be yourself and have confidence in your abilities and experience to date, you have got past the first hurdle by getting an interview, you are doing what you can to be prepared so Good luck and let us know how it goes.




Sorry to hear you weren't successful this time. Another member recently had the same experience but within a little while was offered an opportunity much better for her than the job she didn't get. :D So there is always hope and something for you out there.



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