Guest Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 hi, Does anyone on this forum use a 'traffic light' system to record whether they have concerns about a child i.e. 'green' if no concerns, 'amber' if some concerns and 'red' if there are serious concerns about a childs development. I heard about this system from a university colleague but have been unable to source a copy/proforma on which to base my own system. As manager of a private nursery i think a system using a visual as well as written assessment would enable me to get a quick over view of all my children without going through their whole file and would enable my colleagues to quickly chart improvements or deteriorations in development. Any other ideas would be gratefully received
Guest Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 I have not thought about this system in terms of development files etc but on first thought it seems like a pretty good idea. Being in the same position as you I can see how this quick reference system ould be useful. Thanks for the tip!!
Guest Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 I have not thought about this system in terms of development files etc but on first thought it seems like a pretty good idea. Being in the same position as you I can see how this quick reference system ould be useful. Thanks for the tip!! glad you like the idea aliwalli, now we just need to devise a workable system
Deb Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 Not sure if this is of any help but here goes anyway. I've heard of a traffic light system to help children assess their own learning. I haven't used this because I felt this was more appropriate for children over 4 though I could be wrong. Having taught a lesson, but before embarking on further work, the teacher asks children to traffic light their understanding of the lesson so.. Green - I fully understand Amber - I need a bit more practice or support Red - I didn't understand at all Once the children have mastered this idea, this allows the teacher to adjust the teaching accordingly, support those children who need it and pair up children so a child who did understand with a child who did not. This may not be what you are referring to, I simply mention it incase your friends' system was developed from this (or not).
Guest Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 Deb, hi I have used a system of self reflection very similar to what you have mentioned only using more visual symbols of smiley, confused and sad faces which works well with young children. The system I'm trying to find out about is used in a local sure start centre and is a quick reference system for establishing any children with whom colleagues might feel there are developmental concerns which can then be over seen by the nursery manager (i.e. me!) so although I am office based for some of my working week (actually quite a lot of my working week boo hiss) I can still be fully informed of any concerns about children and can ensure that each child (and parents) needs are reviewed and met within the shortest time scale even if those concerns are eventually proven to be unfounded. What I want to produce is a system where colleagues can voice concerns and provide a starting point for consultation with me and parents, I realise that a baseline assessment system would produce the same thing but this is proving very time consuming as our existing system maps children against all the developmental matters statements. Its late at night and that all sounds a tad confusing but maybe someone out there will understand what I'm trying to do !!!!!!!!
Deb Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 Hi Max It is late at night isn't it but I do understand what you are trying to do .
Guest Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 This is a simple version of well being and involvement. Research done by prof. Ferre Levers from the Belguim institute We use WBI and have done for a long time but we use a number system 1 - 5 1 is low so a child will be not engaged not happy and therefore not learning level 5 a child will be fully engaged totally absorbed in their actitivity and therefore will have high well being and involvment and deep level learning will occur If a child presented low levels for a while we would look into why it maybe the environment is not right, problems with others in the setting or at home. We also use WBI on areas so staff will use this tool to score areas within the setting to use as a tool to improve that area if needed.
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