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New To Year 1

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Hi, i am an NQT that was been working in a year 3 class for 7 months! I recently got a position in a Year 1 class! myself and the current Rec teacher are meeting next week for 'hand over'


Just wondering if you had any advice as to what i should be asking/what information i should recieve?


Many thanks in advance



Hi, good luck with your new job, just had a couple of queries, will you be meeting with the current year 1 teacher first? Is it a one form entry school or will you be working alongside another year one teacher? Can you get in and see the children in their own environment of the reception classroom before they move on?


I imagine the reception teacher will be very keen to chat and grateful to have someone who'll listen. Basically, I'd be asking to see everything he/she's got, know any groups they've had in place and if they've worked, any situations, needs or concerns they feel you should be aware of and then consider the profile and their academic development.


I taught yr 1 for five years and loved it, but know it's not everyone's cup of tea, a bit of a no man's land, the children will change dramatically in 12 months, have high expectations, you'll be surprised by how much they develop and you'll become a world expert on wobbly teeth!


Relax and enjoy x

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