Guest Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Hi I was wondering if anyone has or is using the PIPs assessment. I have heard about other schools that use it and it sounded quite good. What experiences does any have with it? I also hear that it is interactive and can be done on a computer working one to one with a child. I would appreciate any opinions on this assessment tool as feel that my school needs some consistent way of assessing children on entry so that we can re assess t the end of reception to judge value added. Does anyone know if the PIPs assessments link with the foundation stage profile? Hope someone can help. Many thanks Joanne
Guest Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Hi Joanne, We have used the Pips assessment for the first time in a few years this year. We completed thr programme in Sept and are doing the final assessments now. The ch'n complete a computer programme that asks them to identify objects, point to rhyming words, identify graphemes and numbers, count etc. There are also sections for attitudes and short term memory. The children think it is a game and can't wait for their go. We found the initial assessment useful, espicially as we had to choose some ch'n to move to a Year 1/R mix class. Even when I have completed the final assessment with lower ability ch'n, it is amazing to see how much they have moved, despite them not achieving very highly on the profile. In the last information we recieved, it said that the final feedback would include data relating to where the ch'n would be on the profile scales. I imagine this will just be for CLL and MD though. I have also referenced the PIPs test when completing Records of Achievement. Some parts of the programme are quite limiting, for example only allowing a child to get a few sounds wrong before moving on - even though they might know later ones. I think you just have to take it for what it is and accept that it will only give you a general picture. Hope this helps
Guest Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 we have been using PIPS for several years now and also use ASPECTS in F1. They feed into each other. Pips does give you an overall view of the child but I do find it helps me really pinpoint development especially in literacy and maths. the children do really enjoy it and are very eager to have their go. The end of reception PIPS does link in to the FS profile but only for cetain aspects. feedback in draft form is usually available the next day and you can do all sorts of compiling if you want. I find it a useful tool to use alongside what you know of the child.
Guest Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Hi Please can someone tell me more about this Pips. Is it the Pips/ Playing with Sounds publications or is it something alse. We currently use the activities from Playing with sounds and the activities from the CD Rom. I'm intigued or am I being a bit dense!!! Lisa.
Guest Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Sorry I'm intrigued not intigued (that sounds like I'm tired- must use spell check more often or am lacking in phonemic awareness!!!!!) Lisa
Guest Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 I have no concept of what phonemic awareness is, so you're one up on me! I'm sure my son did PIPs a couple of years ago when he was in Year 1. But then again it could have been something completely different. I'd also be glad of a little tutorial, if anyone can bear it! Maz
michaelle Posted May 21, 2005 Posted May 21, 2005 Confusing but they are two different things! The Pips assessment is from durham ac and is an assessment tool which can be used on entry and at the end of reception year. It can feed into the eprofile and their website ( gives info on this. We havent done it this year for the first time as I have just stuck with the statutory eprofile but I am thinking of going back to it for next years intake. It usually costs a couple of quid per child in your class. You upload the data to them and they send you charts etc.. Where as the other 'pips' s phonics games/playing with sounds which is used in schools. yR - y2
Guest Posted May 21, 2005 Posted May 21, 2005 Confusing but they are two different things! The Pips assessment is from durham ac and is an assessment tool which can be used on entry and at the end of reception year. It can feed into the eprofile and their website ( gives info on this. We havent done it this year for the first time as I have just stuck with the statutory eprofile but I am thinking of going back to it for next years intake. It usually costs a couple of quid per child in your class. You upload the data to them and they send you charts etc.. Where as the other 'pips' s phonics games/playing with sounds which is used in schools. yR - y2 32245[/snapback]
Guest Posted May 21, 2005 Posted May 21, 2005 Good morning! We use PIPs as a baseline assessment for our Reception classes because the Assessment Co-ordinator and SMT are very keen on targets and tracking and thinks this is an effective way of starting the process with the youngest children. Their main interest in it lies in the second assessment we do in July at the end of the Reception year - we use the same programme again to find the 'value added'. Durham returns the data as graphs and scattergrams etc but most importantly (for Co-ord and SMT anyway) it also includes a prediction of what each child should achieve at the end of KS1 SATs - thus starting the targetig/tracking process. I have a few gripes with it: children do enjoy coming to work on it but it is quite time consuming; I think the FS profile and all the supporting evidence we keep shows the children's attainment and in far more areas too; I know some school's actually coach the children in this 'test' too e.g. waving padlocks and jewellery in front of them and making sure they read stories about windmills!; I really don't think it tells us anything more about the children than we already know ...but maybe I am being negative and has beenone of those weeks!
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