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Meeting The Needs Of The Whole Child- A Multi-professional Approach

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Hi Everyone


I am nearing the end of my second year, phew! and I am seriously struggline with this module. Has anyone completed a module like this and if so any tips. We have to complete a strategic plan and a rationale..........doesnt sound like fun hey? lol


Here is one question ...


Identify ways in which legislation relating to antidiscrimination is translated into practice within an early years education setting Reflect upon your findings



Plan and deliver an appropriate activity for young learners to participate in within an early years setting which encourages anti-discriminatory practices



A strategic plan for implementing an anti-discriminatory practice designed for the Early Years Foundation Stage


Any help or ideas anyone?


Fingers Crossed here xxxxx


Hi! I found a lot of useful information about multi-agency working here www.cwdcouncil.org.uk/what-is-integrated-working.


When I completed a module on inclusion I made reference to the EYFS statutory requirements, the DDA and The Equality Act...


The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 available at www.direct.gov.uk/en/.../disabilityrights/dg_4001068


The Equality Act (2010), available at www.equalities.gov.uk/equality_bill.aspx


There was also a lot of good stuff on Teachernet.


I linked these to my childminding policies and procedures, the use of inclusive images and resources and the ECM outcomes.


Hope that helps.




Brilliant Nona you have certainly given me hope now Thank you xxxxxxx

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