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Don't know whether it comes under messy play but my recent plans have included:


Poured paint onto tea trays (2 or more colours in different corners, mixing etc) the children explore the properties of the paint, colour mixing and ultimately draw a picture on the tray. When they are happy we can print the picture (lay paper on top; what happens to the picture? language - backwards etc)

No sense of failure, if they are not hapy they rub it out and start again. Just add a little more paint each time a new child starts!!


Add soap flakes to a small amount of water and let the children use whisks to make foam!!!!


Boiled potatoes and mashers. How long does it take the children to squash the potato. What can they do with the mashed potato?




We painted the babies as rainbow warriors. They loved it. They wore just their nappies and we got lots of different colours of paint in trays on floor. We then got them going by putting dollops of paint on them with brushes. After about 10 minutes they looked like rainbow warriors and everyone was covered children and staff! The babies loved painting on us and themselves and their friends along with the tables, the floor, the walls, the toys.............................lmao. :oxD:(

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