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Toy Story Topic

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Has anyone done a topic on Toy Story before? My class are really into the characters at the moment and I thought it might be a worthy topic idea for after Easter. Trouble is I haven't seen the most recent movie myself. Guess I'll be watching it during the hols. I thought we might be able to do a bit of drama and discuss moveable parts such as slinky and clockwork mice but that's as far as I have got. Any ideas gratefully received. x


Toy Story 3 would be good for PSED because it is all about the boy growing up and giving his toys away - could be linked to idea of sharing and thinking of others. The daycare centre the toys go too is also a little crazy and the children don't look after the toys properly so you could link it to caring for things etc.


And maybe some mini topics such as Cowboys/girls (Woody and Jessie) and Space (Buzz) ?

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