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I wondered if anyone is feeling generous and could help me begin my essay plan on the eyfs? I have started a BA after completing a foundation degree and I am feeling quite overwhelmed and doubting the clarity of my own thoughts if that makes sense! I have to look at the key issues in making successful implementation of eyfs. Any thoughts anyone?


That's quite a task! I think you'd have to include a discussion of:

* Treating each child as unique and competent

* The importance of partnerships with parents

* A stimulating learning environment based on how we know children learn and what their interests are

* The importance of the observation/recording/assessment/planning cycle

* Inclusion



I could go on!


Depending on how many words you have to play and the criterea for layout with you could try working your way through each theme/commitment in turn, will clarify your thoughts if nothing else, don't envy you! maybe map policies/procedures to the same and ecm outcomes!

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