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Does anyone have any ideas ;

the interactive use of the four modes of lanuage use;listening,speaking,

reading and writing,including the principles of active listening.

Need to finish C10,C11,C15 and c16 trying to work my way through them all as my assessor has given me a deadline of 27/4.Struggling with having so much to do.



This is just more NVQ speak Cathy! :o Think about how listening, speaking, reading and writing are linked. You speak to a baby, they listen and start to imitate the sounds then later words. The more you speak to children the quicker they will pick up language, speaking in sentences rather than single words. If you read books to them and point out letters and words on signs they start to understand that print has meaning. Then they will recognise individaul letters and start to experiment with writing symbols etc.


Active listening is really important. How can you show a child that you are listening and interested in what they have to say? Do you get down to their level, restate what they have said, nod and smile, ask relevant questions?



that makes it alot clearer.Still plodding through them

Need a little advice on no 26;

relevent criteria to evaluate books,stories and rhymes and examples to cover range.



You need to do a few book reviews - remember to put in the title of the book, author, a brief summary of what its about, the age group it would be suitable for and why you like it/think it is good for this age group. Choose three or four very different books for different age groups. :)


Thanks,Have now completed c10,c11 and nearly c16 doing c15 in college,so i might be nearer than i thought.Have m7 and my two opitainal units to do then i will have completed it.


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