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I have previously worked in the EYFS but with Reception children, the school I recently got offered a job in have asked me to work in Nursery. This will be completely new to me.


First of all in terms of a topic to settle children in with does anyone have any suggestions?


secondly I am worried about as for the moment it is only a one term job about getting involved with staff things, as I know that having been in Reception it can be hard to get to staff room etc...has anyone else had problems with this? Potentially being there for only one term, how can this be overcome!


Any ideas/help appreciated! :o


Are the children new to the nursery or have they been in since September? If they are new you need to be introducing them to the different area within the classroom settling them in and helping them make friends. IF they are not new you need to go from their interests so maybe talking to their present teacher will help.


I am in nursery and we don't follow a topic anymore.


The children's interests lead our days with continous provision in all the usual areas to support this.


I doubt if all the children will be new to nursery as most begin in September so maybe its more about you settling in and giving yourself time to get to know the children and for them to get to know you!


Have fun!

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