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A Dark, Dark Tale

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Hey...after half term we are following the theme of a Dark Dark Tale for a week in reception. I am however, stuck for literacy ideas to do!! I am going to introduce the text in our autum cave role play with lights off and torches with eery music, but not quite sure how to follow that on for the rest of the week? i am having a mental blank...half term-a-litus i think!! any ideas?? xx


As soon as I read the 'dark' dark' bit I immediately thought of the book Funnybones by the Ahlbergs. We're going on a bear hunt has a dark cave in it...hmmmm will keep trying to think of some more and let you know :)


Can't you sleep little bear is a good story for light and dark


ah sorry, i meant the story of a Dark Dark tale lol!! so it will be that story as a stimulus for the week, literacy sessions lol

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