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Transition Between Activities

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At the moment I have a focussed activity at the beginning of the day and one straight after lunch. They are working really well but I find that about 10 children seem to finish their activity before the rest of the class. At the moment they go and collect a book from the box to look at for 5 minutes while the rest of the class finish. Last year this worked really well but this class seem to spend the time chasing each other or walking over the books on the floor.


Any ideas of a system or activity I could set up that the children could do/follow while they wait for the others to finish?




What age do you have? Reception or Year 1?


Carrots x


What sort of focussed activities are you talking about? Would it be possible to work with one group at a time and the other children use continuous provision? Then the children would have more of your time and there wouldn't be any waiting around waiting for children to finish.

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