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I am hoping to focus on the Elmer book with my reception class next week. I have planned for the children to design their own unique Elmer, help decorate a large Elmer cut out for display and use it as a base for discussion during circle time.


Does anyone have any other ideas of how I could use this book as a theme for other activities?


Thanks :o




Hi Cliarey,


We did Elmer during our topic on African animals. Here are some of the things that we did, but please bear in mind this was in July so some of the activities may need to be adapted to your bunch of 'newbies'!


We used the power point on TES of Elmer to retell the story


We completed some problem solving in maths - I gave them a black and white outline of Elmer and they had to chose three colours - colour him in, but no two colours were allowed to touch each other - they were amazing at this!!


On KentEd there is a template for Elmer where you can download it into colour magic or 2paint and design your own Elmer on the computer


We also designed our own Elmers on plain paper


We looked at facts about elephants - I had about 15 facts on elephants and we sorted each fact into - True, False, and might be true. So for example of the facts I had was 'the matriarch is the leader of the elephants' the children decided this might be true but werent sure so we researched it using the internet and books. We did this with all the facts they were not sure about.


Circle time was about being different and how that feels and that it's cool to be different


We wrote party invitations to Elmer and on the Friday we all came dressed in bright colours - we buttered square pieces of bread and then added lemon curd, chocolate spread, jam etc and put them all together to create a giant Elmer to eat!!


We did work on repeating patterns and lots on squares - going on shape hunts


In maths we added lots of peanuts - I had checked that none of mine were allergic and we also made our own peanut butter ---Mmmmmmmmmm!


We made a jungle in the small world and the children added what they wanted to.


In the water tray we created a trunk from bits of a hose and we used straws to suck up and move peanuts!


We looked at speech bubbles from the text and dramatised the story, freezing the children at various places and asking the audience to record .what they might be saying on speech bubbles we had laminated.


We used the WWF to look at why elephants were endangered and how we could help.


We had loads of plastic elephants so they painted them bright colours


We used iplayer to look at some of the beautifully filmed extracts from David Attenbouroughs Living Planet


Thats all I can remember right now! but if I think of any more I will let you know.



Thanks so much.


Some brilliant ideas that I will definitely use!



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