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Opinions On Using The Strategies...

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At my school key stage 1 use the strategies to plan literacy and numeracy, they follow the strands as it is laid out and pretty much use the same plans from one year to the next.


Results were quite low at the end of ks1 last year and I just wondered what people's views were on using the strategies. Also I heard the strategies were being scrappyed next year - is this true?


I have been tasked with tracking assessment and coming up with a action plan to improves standards which is difficult for me to do when i am in foundation stage and have never taught in KS1.


Thanks in advance....


K x


KST I think when the strategies came out they were an excellent idea however it has been shown that over the 10 years they have been in place they have no raised standards significantly. There are some excellent ideas in them but I would never, and have never, used them religiously and I don't believe they were ever intended to be used in such a way it just seemed to happen.

All teachers, regardless of key stage should be planning for the children in class at that time so you cannot use the same planning year in year out. What teachers need to know is the progression and how to plan for next steps. There are many examples in many LAs of tracking sheets you could use but more than anything you need to know that your colleagues know the children and know what to teach next and make the learning relevant and interesting enough to hook into children's interests.

Here is an example but lots of LAs have their own http://www.eriding.net/assessment/assessme..._learning.shtml



Thanks very much for your reply LornaW, really helpful. I agree totally with you about plans not being reused. And its useful to get your opinion of the frameworks/strategies. I mentioned to KS1 that I thought that plans should not be reused and not to follow the strategies as strictly but this was not well received at all! At least it helps me to know that others share my opinion! x

Thanks very much for your reply LornaW, really helpful. I agree totally with you about plans not being reused. And its useful to get your opinion of the frameworks/strategies. I mentioned to KS1 that I thought that plans should not be reused and not to follow the strategies as strictly but this was not well received at all! At least it helps me to know that others share my opinion! x



I hate the maths strategy plans and never follow them, I think the concepts are sprinkled very haphazardly throughout the 5 blocks and it makes no sense to me! I prefer toteach the concepts in a way that makes sense to me and hopefully to the children because they aren't chopping and chaning every few days and also as they link in with whatever else we are covering.

I hate the maths strategy plans and never follow them, I think the concepts are sprinkled very haphazardly throughout the 5 blocks and it makes no sense to me! I prefer toteach the concepts in a way that makes sense to me and hopefully to the children because they aren't chopping and chaning every few days and also as they link in with whatever else we are covering.


Great to hear it Kariana, I think from your previous posts that you run your ks1 class exactly as I would run mine if i were to move into KS1. Its obvious to me that my school needs to change from the results, its just convincing them. Thanks for your opinion. x

Great to hear it Kariana, I think from your previous posts that you run your ks1 class exactly as I would run mine if i were to move into KS1. Its obvious to me that my school needs to change from the results, its just convincing them. Thanks for your opinion. x



Thank you! It's always nice to hear that other people think I'm on the right track. It's been hectic in school this week so I've ended up having one of those "am I doing anything right?" weeks! You've given me back some of my faith in the way I do things :) Onwards and upwards! I hope you manage to persuade them to change their ways, it can be so hard when you're met with nothing but resistance even when you know you're trying to make changes for the better.

Great to hear it Kariana, I think from your previous posts that you run your ks1 class exactly as I would run mine if i were to move into KS1. Its obvious to me that my school needs to change from the results, its just convincing them. Thanks for your opinion. x



KST if what they are already doing is not meeting the needs of the children then their is the reason to change! My advice would be to say look what we do at present is not enabling us to get the results we nned so lets try something else as it cannot make it worse. Put some time limits so for example lets do some cross curricular work and gove children challenge times for two terms and review it in December.

The review gives the doubters a get out clause and the two terms are enought o begin to see a change in attitude of the children which will be the first goal I should imagine. Then try and find one person who will really go with it with enthusiasm and gusto and really give them as much support as you can so again you can show that it does work!

Good Luck.

Kariana you sound as if you have a case of 'ohmygoditis' which is very common at the beginning of the new year when all of your last years children left you so confident and well used to your routines and environment and now the new children are in you have to start all over again!!!! You know you think to yourself 'Oh my ogd will they ever get there?' They will and as KST has said you can tell from your posts you are on the right track - keep your pecker up!



Yes I know that feeling Kariana - I had to look through my old class' learning stories just to remind myself where they started last year to give me confidence that I can get my new class there by the end of the year! Good luck! Glad my post helped but i really do think you're doing a great job!


Thanks LornaW for the advise! I will give it a go! I am moving to KS1 next year myself so if it fails this year it certainly won't next year! Feeling more confident to push for change now! xx

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