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Handwriting Development

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Hi everyone. Just sent a new post then could't find it so apologies if this comes up twice!

I just wanted to pick your brains!

My son has just come back from school with a whole load of copied booklets he worked on last year in Y1 from The Teodorescu Perceptuo-Motor Programme which I am not very familiar with. (booklets 1-5)

My question is, should he have been given left handed versions or not? (is there a left handed version?)

Feeling concerned that he may have had wrong booklets all year but wanted to ask you before bringing up at school so would appreciate input from anyone who knows. Thanks. x


As far as I'm aware there are no left or right handed versions of this programme. I have used them with some individual children in the past and there was just one master book to photocopy from.


I agree, there is just a master copy. Its all about spatial awareness and preception so it shouldnt matter whether he is left or right handed.

Are we talking about Write from the Start?


if so there are 2 pupil work books and a teacher's book in the pack

Thank you everyone for replying. I feel better now as I have realised he has not been working on the wrong books!


The main difference between letter formation for left handers is the cross lines on "t" and "f" which should be produced right to left rather than left to right

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