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Psrn/cll Schemes

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Ive recently become addicted to reading forums on here and begun to question myself more and more - good for self evaluation but bad as I dont seem to be able to switch off! :o

I recently visited another school who use abacus, ready plans but annotated, from Hamilton Trust. I used to use these about 3 years ago but have since adapted them to my own style in many many ways. I also used to use ideas for Literacy from there and still use nice texts or ideas from years of teaching to plan when looking at big books etc.


My question is though, what does everybody else use? Have I missed something I should be doing?


I use my observations of chns abilities to help me plan each week and know what I have and havent covered - tho this year plan to have this on a big highlighted A3 sheet in case anyone asks.


Any help gratefully received!! xD


I personally don't use any schemes pf work, I tend to match activities with the current theme or interest and children's next steps, and ensuring coverage. I also highlight as I cover. Don't think there is anything wrong in using a scheme of work if you ara adapting it to your children though, as long as you are flexible to the children's needs etc. x


Oh good. I didnt want to be stuck to a scheme - as what I do already seems to work and I know where a bank of ideas are for those Brain elusive days but when I saw an AST using them I was worried I should have something more structured in place!


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