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I have an interview next week and as part of it, I need to teach the current class of Reception (all 30) for 30 mins session with a mixed ability class . I need some great ideas of what I could do so that they are not on the carpet for the entire session so that they have moved around - also want to include an outdoor play activity maybe? not sure. Any ideas would be greatly received.



A very nervous katiem



Hi Katiem - I would suggest you do the whole 30 min session outside - most natural environment for children and can readily accommodate mixed abilities. Good luck Stella


I have an interview next week and as part of it, I need to teach the current class of Reception (all 30) for 30 mins session with a mixed ability class . I need some great ideas of what I could do so that they are not on the carpet for the entire session so that they have moved around - also want to include an outdoor play activity maybe? not sure. Any ideas would be greatly received.



A very nervous katiem



For my interview, I did a whole class introduction to the properties of shapes on the IWB with an interactive shape game, then I split the class into 2 to sort everyday objects by their properties into labelled sorting circles. e.g. straight sides and corners or curved sides.


I then got them to feedback on their decisions and luckily there were some interesting comments as to an object with straight sides, corners and curves so we decided to turn the sorting circles into a venn diagram!


I also wanted to do outdoor, but felt 30 children I am unfamiliar with in an outdoor area would be too much to manage, so at the end of the 20 mins (which went fast), I left them with labels and asked them to go around their outdoor area and look for objects with curves, corners, straight sides and stick the labels to them.


It must have been successful as I got the job! :o


Good luck!

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