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Can anyone tell me what the difference is between a Nursery School (for 3/4 year olds) and an Integrated Early Years Centre is? Is it that the setting offers groups for younger children and support in the wider community?



Hi sunflower

Funnily enough I have been to a meeting this evening to discuss the impact children's centres and extended schools are going to have on the private and voluntary sector.

In Stockport we already have Integrated Early Years Centres. The one nearest to us has a toddler group, pre-school, nursery, parenting classes and involves many other groups in the community. They have a group which makes story sacks to be used in the centre and this involves local people of all ages.

The new children's centres will also have the involvement of the local health authority, social services and will encompass all aspects of a child's life-early education, childcare, schooling, everything you can imagine for children and young people.



PS This is a very diluted version of what they are all about but hope it gives you some idea! :o



Hi Sunflower


I work in an Early Years Centre in a deprived area (Sure Start area). We offer "educare" for children aged 2 - 5. They do not pay fees but the families have to meet a child in need criteria and have supporting information from a health visitor (or social worker). We offer a range of adult education classes, parent and toddler group and parent survival classes during the day (in our community room). A speech therapist visits every week and we have very close links to educational psychology service, physiotherapy, occupatioanl therapy and health. Courses run in the evenings for child care professionals, organised by the local EYDCP. We are open 51 weeks of the year from 8 - 5pm. We have well-qualified nursery officers and assistants, a resource manager, deputy manager and centre manager. I am the Early Years Teacher and SENCo (I do get school holidays).


That is very brief as I am not quite awake yet.


We will become a Sure Start Children's Centre, building work is beginning soon. By 2006, we will have a baby unit in the nursery section and will take fee-paying places alongside places we already offer. To get to us, parents will have to enter through the new building, which will house a community cafe, food co-op, creche etc. We will be part of a much broader multi-discplinary team.


There has always been a long history of "educare", we used to be called a community nursery centre.




Thanks Linda and Louise, that was really useful.


What role do the teachers play in running things like the breakfast club, groups for younger children and parenting sessions?




Our resource manager is involved in setting up community groups, overseeing them, liasing with different agencies and monitoring and evaluating these services. As the Early Years Teacher, I work from 8:30 - 4:00 (obviously hours do vary and I do some work at home at weekends). I am the curriculum leader and SENCo and part of the management structure. I cover management shifts in the centre when required (at the start or end of the day).

When we get a baby unit, I will probably be curriculum leader for full age range from 0 - 5. I'm not fully aware of what our management structure will be yet, we haven't been informed of these decisions by the LEA yet.


We don't have a breakfast club, although when we become a children's centre, our opening times will lengthen. Parent survival sessions are run by clinical psychologist. Our resource manager runs groups in the community, supporting playgroups/childminders or running sessions for parents in the centre, such as the share project.



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