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Iam due to start a dissertation soon, I have until september to complete it.

I have absolutely no idea on what to do it on!!!!! It obviously has to have something to do with childcare and education. Can anyone give me inspiration? Please!!!!!!

Thanks :)


I completed mine last year (an an NQT now) I did mine on emotional literacy - something that I


Here was some advice I was given


-Have a look at current research (internet, books, journals, newspapers)

-Choose a topic that your interested in e.g. early literacy

-Whittle that topic down to a certain issue e.g. storybooks

-Pose a question so that you can structure the diisertation 'What constitutes a 'quality text' within early literacy and how can this develop the child as a reader? '

-look at current research and debate (the two sides of the coin) and reflect this in your assignment.

-Watch out for plagerism!!! (sp?)


Good Luck - I loved doing mine!





another tip, read a good book on research methodology before you start. I have one but it is now in my attic so can't recommend, sorry. There are plenty out there.

Test your research methods on "critical friends" or even us on this site.

Good luck.


p.s. TIME MANAGEMENT. When I did my dissertation I left everything to the last minute, even had an extension...then spent a full 36 hours on the computor to make the deadline :oxD slept for a week afterwards.




So glas I'm not the only one Peggy!


Time management has never been my strong point - I'm such a last minute merchant.


Good luck with the dissertation, Caz: sorry I can't offer anything in the way of help or advice.




Hi Caz,

Whenever I have been faced with this type of thing I either:

* Do a dissertation on a subject I am really interested in and know a lot about, or

* Do a dissertation on a completely new area so that I don't feel so ignorant about the subject afterwards!

I think that's the first decision you need to make, maybe? :)

  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone

I'm in the middle of my dissertation ''hence my silence on line'' HEADACHE and I WISH I HAD NOT STARTED THIS spring to mind at the moment. I like Peggy have been granted a few extra days to get this in as it is 10,000 words that I need to complete.


These three books are a must what ever subject you decide to tackle so I hope they help


The Good Research Guide bye Martyn Denscombe OSBM 0335198058



Research Methods in Education Fourth Edition by Louis Cohen and Lawrence Manion ISBN 0415102359

(Heavy this one)


Doing research/Reading Research A Mode of Interrogation for Education by Andrew Brown and Paul Dowling ISBN 0750707194

(This is a good book too)



Wish you the best of luck with yours my long hard slogggggggggg is nearly over thank goodness and I suppose there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I start my new job on Tuesday (Teaching on the CACHE part time) and they have asked me to apply for the new full time course in September for the 14-16 age group that they are hoping to run.

So I don't know what I'm more nervous about that and the lesson plans I'm trying so hard to draw up of my 10,000 words



It keeps me on my toes.


Take Care

Carolann :o

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