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hi all


I am looking forward to our next topic of minibeasts after easter and am responsible for psrn and cll. Any good ideas would be welcomed. We are two reception classes. Thanks


You have lots of scope with all the Eric Carle stories about minibeasts (The bad tempered ladybird, the very quiet cricket, the very hungry caterpillar, the very busy spider).


You could do some non-fiction reading and writing and make a class book about minibeasts.


Have some clipboards, magnifying glasses, mark-making materials and insect identification books or charts outside.


For PSRN I made some sheets with spiders drawn on with different numbers of legs missing. Then I laminated them and the children used whiteboard pens to draw on the missing legs. Then when they had done this and checked it they could draw a smile on the spider - could do this as a paired activity with one child working out and drawing the legs and the other doing the checking and drawing the smile if they've counted right, or they could work it out together. Could also do something similar with black playdough and pipecleaner legs. Or with ladybirds and spots - for higher ability children you could use ladybirds and spots for number bonds to 10.


Just a few ideas to start. Hope they help!



  • Lots of counting- different parts eg legs, wings.
  • data handling- minibeast hunt- putting results into a pictogram
  • sorting into sets- setting own criteria eg has wings/no legs
  • Hungry Caterpillar- sorting fruit/counting/days of the week


I made up some bug islands. Basically each island had a different number of mini beasts on the children then rolled a dice and hopped to the island with that number of mini beasts (they were pretending to be frogs) on they had to then say something about the island eg oh lovely slimy worms or yuk crunchy grasshoppers


You could go on mini beast hunt then make your own book about what you found

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