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I am currently in Rec and have just been told that i am being moved to Y1 in Sept- is there a specific part of the forum just for Y1 ? Don't have a clue bout Y1! I know it is very much like Foundation Stage but when do you start working from National Curriculum ? I know September is a long way away but I am panicking already and will just want to get it right! I will be asking all you experts for loads of advice in the coming months!!! Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks x


Dont panic heidiho. Im getting there slowly but you are in the right place!


Make sure you know the expectations of your HT and look out for Tranisition courses between now and then.

Dont panic heidiho. Im getting there slowly but you are in the right place!


Make sure you know the expectations of your HT and look out for Tranisition courses between now and then.



She wants me to continue in style of Rec but at what point do Y1 all sit down in their own place or do they not? And if not will the Y2 teacher complain they are not ready for more formal Y2 classroom ? So many questions !!! I am probably worrying too early and got 6 months to figure it all out but any advice is more than welcome. Thanks x


Hiya I really envy you. I would love to move up with my current reception class. I'm not that sure about year 1 either, but i would defo keep it running as a rec class and when they have reached the ELG'S move onto NC. The whole formally taught on the carpet scares me for kids that are just 5/6 years old. I reckon you will do an ace job. Can't really offer you advice as i havent done it, but ust wanted to say all the best for it .




Yr 1 dont need to sit like that at all. Again you need to talk about those expectations with your HT.


My children do have table places as my classroom is very small and it helps with organisation but we dont always work in or from those places. I would love to set up areas of continuous provision but again dont have room or resources to do that properly so am muddling along at the moment. I do like a large enough enough carpet space for us all to sit though and to sit in a circle when I want to work like that.


There is a new book due out in April, which I am looking forward to and which you may also find useful---try a search, it was menetioned on here somewhere last week but I cant find it at the moment!


Thank you all for advice-I was really upset about leaving Rec as I have loved it -but I will do my best to get the next bit right ! The school is being refurbished soon and Y1 are being given a large room with immediate access to outdoors so that should help-I am getting used to idea and as I say I have got a while yet before it happens-so now I will look out for topics relating to FS and Y1 ! Does that mean even longer on the Forum-ha ha!

If anyone knows the book mentioned above I would be grateful if they would let me know what it is.



The national strategies are bringing out a document called Building Bridges all about transition to Y1. It is due out really soon.


Info from the LA EY newsletter


A new guidance resource, Building Bridges, will be launched later this term. The aim of this is to help support transitions both within and beyond the EYFS with a particular focus on Reception to Year 1, often known as the ‘forgotten transition’. The guidance explores this transition from both the primary and EYFS point of view. Regional events have been planned for March 2010 with the theme of Reception to Year 1 transition and are aimed at early years and primary consultants and school improvement partners.


Keep your eyes and ears open and ask your LA if they have copies.




Great thread and I am trying to push to move to year 1 as I want to change it to be more like Reception. But again like you, would be nervous about getting it right as there are more pressures so again can't really advise you but I think it will b great!

I think I would run it like reception but have more challenges for children to complete during the CI time. Will be interested to read further comments on this thread.


Thanks for the info Lorna about that document coming out.

My children do have table places as my classroom is very small and it helps with organisation but we dont always work in or from those places. I would love to set up areas of continuous provision but again dont have room or resources to do that properly so am muddling along at the moment. I do like a large enough enough carpet space for us all to sit though and to sit in a circle when I want to work like that.


If your classroom is so small why don't you take some of the tables out? That's the first thing we did when we moved to continuous provision. Now we don't have a place for every child to sit at a table at once, which was a scary thought at first, but has worked out great. It you ever need them all to write or draw at the same time kids are just as happy to sprawl across the carpet leaning on a book as they are at a table and this actually really helps with their fine motor development too. Most of the time though they are quite happily doing other continuous provision actvities whilst some groups do their adult directed work. If you lack resources what about getting them cocktail sticks and blutac to construct with, or one I've just heard about - tinfoil!

  • 2 months later...

Just bumping this up. An excellent book I've just read is Moving on to Key Stage 1 by Julie Fisher (may be one the earlier poster was referring to). I'm going to be teaching Y1 in September so will be interested in sharing ideas.

Just bumping this up. An excellent book I've just read is Moving on to Key Stage 1 by Julie Fisher (may be one the earlier poster was referring to). I'm going to be teaching Y1 in September so will be interested in sharing ideas.



Thanks Becca - just ordered my copy! I agree with sharing ideas! x


Hi Becca and welcome to the forum. The book you mention is hot of the press and Im reading my way through it right now! It is indeed a good read for following reception practise into year 1 and indeed year 2 but you may have to fight to get your school to adopt some of the things suggested as it is quite a different mindset, as Im sure you are aware!

Congratulations on your new job and have fun!!!!


Oh good I'm glad others are finding it a useful read. Yes it is indeed a different mindset and I'm not sure as of yet how much freedom I'll be allowed to change things. At least I start working with my class to be after half term whilst they are still Reception so should be better placed to decide what their needs are for the first term in Year 1, though may be a case of convincing others too!

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