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Literacy Lesson Observation!

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Have just found out that am being observed next week by head teacher and another teacher -doing literacy with my Reception class of 30 children. Our creative curriculum topic is Transport but I don't suppose the book I choose needs to link with this-it could just be any good story! I have some very difficult children who find it hard to sit for any length of time without disrupting any focus activities and am wondering if I should be observed with just half the class and then move on to a group activity-but also need table top activities for rest of class-I have a TA and another support worker with me. Any suggestions would be very welcome-I would like to maybe use the smartboard during the lesson but don't want it to take over and would also like some creative activity linked to the story.

Please please help!


Have just found out that am being observed next week by head teacher and another teacher -doing literacy with my Reception class of 30 children. Our creative curriculum topic is Transport but I don't suppose the book I choose needs to link with this-it could just be any good story! I have some very difficult children who find it hard to sit for any length of time without disrupting any focus activities and am wondering if I should be observed with just half the class and then move on to a group activity-but also need table top activities for rest of class-I have a TA and another support worker with me. Any suggestions would be very welcome-I would like to maybe use the smartboard during the lesson but don't want it to take over and would also like some creative activity linked to the story.

Please please help!

You don't say how long your lesson is... There are so many lovely transport stories - Mr Gumpy, Mr Gumpy's Outing, Mrs Armitage on Wheels, Oi, Get of my Train..... If you have a listening and responding or sequencing the story focus, you could read any of these, getting the children to join in with the refrains and could read it from the smartboard if you scan it in. Then you could do some role play of the story, children taking on roles - either still as whole class or this could be one of the group activities. One group could role play, one could play with small world animals and props to reenact the story, one could make masks of the animals to use in role play later another sequence story cards and match to captions, the other could think of different animals to want to come along and draw a picture/write their own captions or the group could make up a different version. You could have boats and animals in the water tray to reenact the story or look at sinking and tipping - they could make boats/trains and see how many animals they could get in - but this may be getting off the sequencing track. . Or perhaps you could introduce the story earlier in the week and in the observation, begin to make up an alternative version with different animals who say/do different things. And you could take photos of the role play and put them on the smartboard at the end to retell the story again.Not very original, I know, but may be of help.


Some great ideas scotsman thankyou so much!

The lesson is from 9.15 to 10.15 by the way-a whole hour!!!!

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