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Planning For Carpet Time

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I've recently started teaching in the pre-school class of a private day nursery. I am a bit concerned about how the planning is recorded.


At the moment, 5 adult-led plans are done per week (between the 3 staff in the room), these activities are carried out during 'free play' time. There are also 3-4 10 min carpet sessions per day (I know this amount isn't ideal - but due to the size of the room - ie. tiny! - we have no choice, having to allow for preparing the room for and cleaning up after meal times.) We do a variety of stories, singing, letters and sonunds, numeracy games etc etc... the usual stuff, but my issue is that none of these sessions are planned for in the form of anything written down. Obviously, to plan for every carpet time in the same form we do for our 5 adult-led activities would mean a lot more paperwork, but is this what other people do? I was thinking of summarising carpet times in a weekly timetable format, but then is this enough detail?? As you can see, I'm going round in circles!


Any suggestions, advice or examples of planning much appreciated! Also, any ideas of how we can avoid so many carpet times (we have to do everything on our one little room - play, eat, sleep).


Can I just ask what your daily routine is and how do these carpet time sessions fit in?


We have a sheet for retrospective circle time planning, where we simply write down what story we read/what it covered or what song or game we did etc, and then evaluate it. We are a sessional preschool so have a slot for am and pm each day and whoever conducts the circle time fills it in afterwards. I just use it in my planning each week to show we are covering psed/cd/cll/psrn in this time, but so far have not linked it to learning intentions as every child gets something different from it. I am not sure this is 'right' but prior to my starting they did not have anything recorded nor evaluated.


I am reviewing circle time anyway as with 24 children, at least 3 or 4 new/younger/needing extra support, I don't think it is effective, and would like to split into 2 or 3 smaller groups but am not sure how to go about this.




We have a very short whole group time, for register/weather/news at 9am. That is followed by 30 mins outdoor play (specific time slots as we share outdoor area). Then an hour or so for free play and an adult-led (planned) activity for key groups and/or children who want to take part. Then it's carpet time - as mentioned something like story, letters and sounds activity, singing etc. This is so that one member of staff can set room up for lunch - usually with a couple of children helping. After lunch we have yet more carpet time whilst room is cleaned (unless ratio allows us to go straight out to play whilst one staff stays in to clean). Outdoor play til 1pm then inside for free play and adult-led again. And as with lunchtime, we have to have a carpet time before and after tea, which is at 3pm.


Sometimes carpet time consists of children looking at books or listening to a CD - not always structured as such, depends on how the children are. Carpet times are always whole class (up to 20 children).


The majority of our children are part-time, though they tend to do full days.


Hi, I just read your post, and i am in the same situation as you... 80 children per day in a nursery setting... 5 led activities eg. PSRN , phonics, ict, and the learning intentions that the week will cover...


I have 2 other staff who have their separate groups and i have mine, i have done a focus activity sheet where i list all my learning intentions for the week and evaluate after teaching... what my next steps are and how to diff and extend.... this way i know i am covering enough and if not then i need to add more to my teaching.......accordingly...depending on children's interest.... hope this helps




Donut x


Hi We do out carpet time planning with the rest of our planning (if that makes sense) however it is on a much smaller scale.


Just a few sentences of the proposed activity for that day.


I can send you our current ones if you wish x

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