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Pre -school Booster Immunisations

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Hello - we have lots of our children going for their pre-school boosters . On our information sheet which is given out at the beginning of the year stating exclusion periods for common childhood ailments it says that a child should stay at home for 24hrs after immunisation has taken place . I have telephoned HV's and school nurses but cannot manange to speak to someone for clarification . Just wondering if anyone else has heard of this and follows guideline and the reason for it - we got ours whilst on a H and S course we would just like to know why or maybe its an outdated guideline - Anyone please help!! Lizzz


If a child is going to have some sort of adverse reaction to it then this is likely to be in the 24 hours following on from the immunisation which I guess is where this guidance has originated from.


We have a policy stating 24 hour exclusion after ANY imunisation as this is the time we have found some children are really unwell and have been REALY UNWELL.

We tell parents we don't care what a doctor says (as they all differ) Its OUR policy

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