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Linking The Profile Point To Apps For G&t

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I have a very bright child in my reception class who is already writing sentences and reading whole books. I envisage that she will meet all the ELG well before the end of reception as she is already meeting 6 or 7 points. I am thinking of how best to extend her. I thought it would be useful to begin using the APP sheet but would almmost like something in between, with the ELG and the AF from APPs that link to each scale point so I can be between the two.


Has any body sat and gone through the APPs and matched to appropriate profile points? Do people feel this is appropriate?

Posted (edited)

I vaguely recall someone posting something about this not so long a go - I will do a search and get back to you x


Edit: The post I remembered was when someone had already achieved point 9, so I would use EYFSP until they have achieved point 9 then move onto using APP. Also are they able in all areas because you could focus more on the none reading and writing areas to develop those as reading and writing can be used throughout and it sounds like this child will make progress in R&W without a great deal of teaching.

Edited by kittycat1279

That would be useful to read that post if you find it!

She is very able in all areas of learning but a particular strength in reading and writing. I agree about supporting the other areas, have spent a lot of time developing her PSED skills which were weaker, I think its because her parents are quite pushy I want to feel like I will be continuing her learning once she meets scale point 9 of the profile for reading and writing. Thanks for your advise!


Thanks Susan. So its just a case of following onto the APP once she meets scale point 9. That makes sense! x


I have just been told that I need to set targets for my Nursery 2's at SP5 for writing and PSRN!!!! Help!!!!!


Yes I have been told I should write targets for my children. I don't know how appropriate I feel this is. I have areas of development for each of the areas of learning based on their next steps in their PLODs so feel this should be enough - what do others think? Sorry Tracey, not able to help!


APP reading, writing and mathematics cover Key Stages 1 to 3. The EYFSP is the statutory assessment for children at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The principles and practices of the two approaches are similar and consistent. Both assessments focus on practitioners/teachers reviewing a range of evidence of children's knowledge, skills and understanding in a variety of contexts in relation to nationally agreed criteria. The judgements they make enable teachers to identify the appropriate next steps in children's learning.


There are no direct equivalences between EYFSP scale points and APP guidelines but there will inevitably be overlaps as children move from the EYFS into Year 1. Teachers and practitioners should use their professional judgement to ensure that they support each child's learning and development using the EYFSP and APP.



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