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Assembly Help - Having A Panic!

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Yesterday I was told my year one class have to do an assembly a week on Tuesday. I have to write this assembly over the weekend so we can practise it next week. My children are mostly poor readers and have poor retention so it must be really simple with repetitive elements or familiar.


I was going to tell the story of Oliver's Vegetables as we have done this in class and it has the repetivtive parts which will make it easy for them to learn.


I've never written an assembly before though so I'm struggling to come up with interesting things they could do. I'm hoping to have them all say at least something but I want ideas for stuff they could do (I'll have a few actually role playing the parts etc, but could the others hold something up or something? I'm struggling!) Also everyone always does a song in their assembly so it will be expected that I have them sing one. It needs to be simple and hopefully linked to the story/vegetables! Anyone know a good one? It will have to be something I can get music too, preferably something fun and upbeat!


Completely stressing over this as a week's warning isn't really enough for me to teach a whole 15-20 minute assembly to these kids, plus with never having written one before I feel like I'm staring at a blank piece of paper with no idea where to start.


It doesn't have to be Oliver's Vegetables so if anyone has any other ideas that they can share I'd be really grateful!


Hi, just a few ideas. I would have the children standing up one at a time and saying what vegetables they like (if any like them!). Then I would get them to say which ones they dont like and why, ie broccoli looks too much like a tree, sprouts make you trump!! etc (these will get a giggle hopefully). Then, you need a couple of songs. Try this link, the songs are sung to nursery rhyme tunes! Add sound makers to give bit off extra effect. http://www.preschooleducation.com/svegetable.shtml

Then do your olivers vegetabls story, with actions and sounds.

You need a bit about why vegetables are so healthy too. Get your best speakers to learn little bits to say.


Is that any help? Hope so xxxx Anje


We retold the little red hen after about 4 weeks of the kids being in(mine are reception not y1). I din't write an assembly, just told the story with me being the narrator to set the scene. I had three animals who said either I won't or I will as appropriate. One who was the hen, who repeated from me, and the whole class who said... and so she did. It worked rather well - the characters had masks and the rest loved it. We did a song, but it wasn't related to veg so can't help there.


Good luck with it




Thanks for your help! that link was very useful.



Your assembly sounds great Emily, I wish I could do that with mine, but it would be chaos. I have a lot who would never rememeber the story or become so distracted they would forget to actually do anything at all! It's expected to be all singing all dancing so it's rehearse rehearse rehearse unfortunately! (Same for the Christmas play, I think my sanity is slipping away...)

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