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Assessment In Nursery


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I have searched assessment but I am really looking for a little reassurance and any hand tips.


In nursery we are using the development matters to record the childrens attainment, is this the way to go?

As its quite a task for the large number of children we have in nursery but i can see the value in it. Plus OFSTED are very overdue and we just want to be doing the right thing.





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In my LA we piloted a way of tracking progress which seemed to work quite well (and was liked by OFSTED!). We used the development matters statements alongside the LLN statements to make a decisions about which 'age and stage' the children were working in. So, at the beginning of the year the children were given 1 point for each aspect that they working in the 30-50 months age and stage (i.e. they had 'achieved' the 22-36month age and stage statements). They got a 0 if they were still working in the 22-36 month age and stage. Then mid-term and at the end of the year we did the same but against the 40-60 month statements e.g. they got 1 point for each aspect that they were working in the 40-60 month age and stage. The LA analysed the data for us to show who was average/below average/above average etc but the raw data shows the progress anyway without any analysis.

We have been told (and I think it states it somewhere in the EYFS) that the development matters statements should not be used as a tick-list. What OFSTED want to know is the percentage of children that are working in each age and stage and are particularly interested in on-entry data and tracking progress.

This year we are doing the same LA assessment but I've also decided to have a sheet which shows which age and stage they are working in not just if they are working in the 30-50 month age and stage - this will then show the on-entry attainment against the end-of-year in more detail.

Hope you can make sense of what I have written and that it helps

Green Hippo x

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I held back from using the development matters statements to assess against last year but ofsted wanted to know how i was tracking progress against them. This year our county has changed its nursery profile to include all of the dev matters statements and we highlight and date/comment against these as we have evidence of them then record the I use a summary sheet which I got from the forum to record the stage a child is working at each term to summarise their progress.

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We too use the development matters. We use focused activities, post it obs, "work" of children, photos in scrapbook etc , highlight the matter covered, put a date next to it and add the dated post it note, refer to photo in scrapbook. Sometimes I hold off highlighting the statement until I have observed the same thing a couple of times, sometimes an observation can show 2 different things! It can all be very confusing cant it. We are trying though!

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Hi there, must say that we do a very similar assessment as those mentioned. It does, however, take a long time to update the records and profile books. We use work, photos, post its etc. as evidence and it is never ending we always seem to be chasing our tails. At present we keep work and photos of individual children as we feel something is significant. Sometimes we will do a focus sheet and photocopy it, for exaple, if all children are planting seeds etc. We also take a drawing of themselves each term to show progression there. Does anyone have a more unified way of collecting evidence that may save some time? Thank you

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