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I have been reading about schemas as I have noted a few of the children have 'obvious' schemas. I would like to use these in my planning for activities for those children. Just wondered what your thoughts on schemas are, how do they link into your planning and what sort of activities you plan.

Thanks, in advance! :o


I think they are brill and make so much sense and parents can really get on board with them. My planning works around children schemas so that I can observe if they use more of the resources linked to their schema - if you know what I mean - I think its really interesting - you also need to think about what books you might use that might link to their schema too and how you look at their paintings and drawings - all have a bearing and you can get to really know what they are doing - I think its fasciinating and the more you look and observe children through all areas, the more you see their schema coming through in every aspect of their learning and play


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