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Any ideas for a display. one long wall--needs to be eye catching and 3D if poss.The topic is toys and I would like the idea to be story book related so I can use the vocabulary as evidence( if that all makes sense?)Please help.

Thank you


What about 'The Teddy Robber' by Ian Beck?


The children could make teddies which you could put on 'shelves' and then have a giant looking in. Lots of texture, size and feeling vocab.


Hope this is the type of thing you're looking for.



It's not clear what language you're looking for - is it specifically story book language or general vocabulary?

There are loads of books that lend themselves to display

Kipper's toybox - mathematical

Threadbear - science and geography

Jane Hissey - science and DT

Where's my teddy? etc etc


Our topic is toys so we are doing a display of Kipper's Toy Box. It's not finished yet so I can't put a photo on the site but will do as soon as possible, We are doing it 3D with a cardboard box and then various materials for the toys.



Dogger by Shirley Hughes is a good book. In the past we have made a large Dogger for display, and also a toy stall display.

Plenty of opportunities to talk about feelings when Dogger gets lost


THANK YOU SO MUCH, BRILLIANT IDEAS FOR Sunday evening.Very many thanks

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