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Focused Activities

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I know that many of you have posted examples of long term, medium term and short term plans, but do you also write plans for each focused activity? It seems that paperwork for planning can be never-ending!



We just plan the circle time activity each session (in fact, another member of my staff does!); she then evaluates it, and very kindly types it all up and gives us all a copy! The second member of staff who sits in circle time often has time to write observation notes on children's contributions, etc.

I agree with you, Anita, we could spend most of our day planning. I keep asking myself "Do I need to write this down on a planning sheet, or was the whole staff discussion in our weekly planning meeting enough?" Most of the time the answer is "enough"!


Hi Anita

We do have activity planning sheets for most things but not everything. So for things like band, Sticky Kids, apparatus activity basically anything we do regularly we don't have a plan. But if it is something new then we do. It lists what the activity is, where it will take place, how many children, the main stepping stones we want the activity to cover, the equipment needed, and then a basic method, with keywords we want the activity to include. It is not set in stone though and each member of staff will put their own slant on it. But my staff like it because it gives them a starting point and means that all the equipment needed is there at the beginning of the session and nothing forgotten.

I know it sounds like a lot of work but once they are written then they are there for good and we can either reuse them or adapt them. We have a rolling program of topics so they come around every couple of years.



Hi Linda

We do use activity sheets like yours with stepping stones, activity/resources, adult role and language/questions and we having a rolling programme of topics. We do often reuse the activities but we often find new ideas each time we come to a topic. We were just wondering how we could cut down on the paperwork!!



If you find the answer to that Anita will you please let me know????? The only other way I could think of would be to have a bank of ideas on the computer which are left on there permanently. Staff could then go and look up an activity on there-always providing you have access to a computer in your setting.

Actually, you have got me thinking now whether that would be a better idea anyway-at least it would save on paper and printing costs. Perhaps that will have to be a project for this year??


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