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Hiya all,

Our RE topic this term is Friends of jesus currently we have no resourse for RE due to the school being burnt down last year.

I would be very grateful if anybody could recommend any good RE resourse and specific resources for friends of jesus.

Its a reception class



Lot's of stuff for RE in on a site called DLTK's printable crafts for kids. Sorry I'm not sure of the address but if you type DLTK into a search engine you should get it. I think I first came across it when I was searching for Valentine's day stuff.


Sorry to hear about your school - it's a frightening thought if you have a lot of personal things stored in school :o


Not really a resource but an idea for an activity - probably one you already do but just in case - We tell the story of Jesus and the fishermen. We act it out. Then we write our names on fish shapes, and the children (or Jesus) fish them out - as their fish name is chosen Jesus then calls his 'friends' to come and join him in the boat. The children really enjoy this. Then we sing the song 'I will make you fishers of men' (don't know where you can find this, it's one I remember from childhood).


If I have any other ideas for resources I'll let you know.


Good luck - Harricroft


There's a nice song that ends with "and if you're a friend of Jesus, you're a friend of mine". I can't remember which song book it comes from, but it starts "I have seen the golden sunshine, I have watched the flowers grow..." I'm sure someone will be able to fill you in on the details, but if not I can find out next week.

Alos, there is a good RE website called REquest (check onyour search engine) which may have some ideas for you.

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