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Hi, in september I am going to be teaching year 2 for 3 hours a week. The whole school is doing the theme of the Olympics - and within that we can cover history/geography. I have never taught year 2 before, and was just looking for some advise re activities. I want to try to do some fun, practical activities as well as lots of work to put into their topic folders. I have a display board, but no role play area, or anything else. I am hoping to pinch a table to make a table top display, but time will tell.


Anyway am anxiously awaiting any activity suggestions,






Hi there,


I did the Olympics as part of one of my teaching practices many years ago!


We looked at the origins of the Olympics - looked at a map and located Greece and Olympus, pictures of Ancient Greek vases with pictures of the events on them and statues too. Wikipedia has a good concise article on it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Olympic_Games If you have a promethean board check out promethean planet as they usually have lots of flipcharts and resources ready made.


As activities we got a couple of the children to pose as athletes (draped in white sheets) throwing javelins, running etc whilst the others used clay/plasticine to make a model and also paper cut in the shape of a vase and some children drew and decorated the vases.


You could look at the the different aspects of the Olympics today - paralympics, winter and summer olympics, as well as the 2012 olympics. Might be worth a look to see what resources the 2012 organising committee have prepped for schools. You could always have a class ancient olympics to end the topic off!




We had Art Week at the beginning of last year based on the Olympics, we all did a different type of painting based on one area of the games, ours in Nursery was Gymnastic Dance which we linked to mark making, dancing with scarves etc, it was based on Andre Masson, the older children did Aboriginal Art, Tryptych based on rowing, Chris Hoy and another athlete were depicted in the style of Andy Warhol, cycling was depicted using a Van Gogh technique.


That reminds me when i went to the education show there were people from the olympics and they are going to be working with schools to do projects. sorry dont have any infor. gave them my email but have had nothing yet. might be work googling.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Emily


How wonderful! Many years ago i did a topic about the park with my Y2 class and we turned an old teachers table into our park. children had to investigate all the things they would find in the park and then make scaled models. It was very successful and we had all sorts of things and of course covered many aspects of the NC. Maths and DT were very strong but of course so were Lit as we had a lot of speaking and listening and then we wrote instructions on how to play some of the games.


so where is this all leading i thought maybe you could have your own stadium with track and all the sorts of sports that will go on in the main arena. As they are still building the new stadium i am sure you should be able to find some plans etc. Children could then make their own training programme, design figures to represent themselves on the track, make a board game that enables them to throw dice say and move ahead according to their score etc etc.


Y2 is a lovely year group to work with especially when using the principles of play as you would in YR.


Good luck.



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