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Sensory Play For Children With Allergies

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in our baby room we have two children who are lactose intolerant. in their diet we avoid lactose and dairy which is fine, but the other day the baby room staff asked me what 'other' sensory things they could give them to play with.


apparently pasta is out of the question because of somthing it has in, as is custard, rice pudding, ice cream etc etc... as mean as it sounds we do not want to spend loads of money on special food products for the children to play with.


so do you have any sensory ideas, in particular for these two children, but also for all children in the nursery.


thanks in anticipation




Why not think of things that aren't food?


Tin foil, velvet, plants they can rustle, herbs to smell, flowers for colour.


Taste is the sense they will be most used to using anyway, so you could work on the other four.


Hope that helps.


Thank you, that does help :o




Why not think of things that aren't food?


Tin foil, velvet, plants they can rustle, herbs to smell, flowers for colour.


Taste is the sense they will be most used to using anyway, so you could work on the other four.


Hope that helps.

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