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:( I know adult child ratios has been discussed quite a lot in the forum (I asked a question about lunchtime supervision once before but have been reading for ages now and can't find it). Anyway, we're in a bit of a dilema and wonder if anyone can help :( ?

We have a FS Unit with just over 60 chn. The building used to be the nursery and they never had anymore than 60 chn on the premises because they were told (I think) that it was built for this many. There are 6 toilets and somebody said the ratio of toilets per child should be 1-10. Our head wants us to bring more children into the school. Staffing wise we are fine as we had to get another Reception teacher in as the numbers went up to 32. So we have 6 members of staff altogether. Not all are full time but if they were i'm sure that would be fine as if it was 1-15 we could have 90. I don't know how many square feet we have but can not IMAGINE 90 chn on the premises even with outdoors being used. The advice off our LEA is to use the outdoors more but we haven't had any SPECIFIC advice only vague. Basically, our head has been told we can bring in as many as we like but I think it was a case of he asked the person at the LEA who would give him the answer he wanted (if that makes sense?-in other words chn=£££and as a school on the whole we have room for more). I'm feeling pretty desparate now as I reallly want to get my head around how we are going to manage and how many more we can realistically have on the premises. :oxD HELP!!


I don't know what the ratio is for schools Zim but it is 1 to 10 for pre-schools. And the same for wash basins. We also have a square footage that we have to comply with, don't know what it is off the top of my head, but there are varying sizes depending on the age of the children.

But, of course, this probably doesn't apply to schools!! You may be able to have as many children as the head wants, although 30 extra children is an awful lot!!!



I think most of the regulations apply only to daycare!!

We were told that the figure was 1 toilet for 30 children!

As to space - I think we were told 2.3 sq meters per child.

We have just moved into our refurbished premises which are quite a bit bigger than previously - but the noise level is still the same!

As for using Outdoors - they will want 'free-flow' play. I'm all for this when the weather is fine - I know they say that 'there is no such thing as unsuitable weather, only unsuitable clothing', but there is a limit to how many times you can splash in the puddles and sweep water.

I know none of this really helps!!

Hope things work out O.K.!


I also understand toilet ratio is 1:10 for nursery but no idea what the ratio is for school age children


Thanks for your replies. :) Started printing off the link Beau (eyes too tired to read it now) Its so long my paper has run out! :o

What are your chid:adult ratios?


Pre-school ratios Zim are 1 to 4 for under 3 and 1 to 8 for over 3. Very different to those in LEA nurseries-at least here in Stockport. The official ratio here is 1 to 13 but some nurseries have 1 to 10.


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