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Do your out of school club children have key workers? and how do you do learning journerys for these children?


Hi there


Our out of school club has around 100 on roll with 60-70 attending at any one time, supervised by a team of 12 staff. As you can imagine, not all of the children attend every day, neither do all of the staff. Our children span reception to year 6 and we allocate a key person to each year group (although it's not mandatory for the children aged 6+ we think it's good practice) with the supervisor and one other member of staff covering when key people are away or not on their rostered (sp?) day.


We are not expected to complete learning journeys in out of school clubs as it is the 'main' place of learning that is responsible for this (i.e nursery/preschool or school). It should never be about delivering a 'double curriculum' in EYFS.


We were Ofsteded in January and all the inspector was looking for was evidence of planning for continuous provision and proof that short/medium term planning was linked to observation and assessment. Also, remember that whilst it is good practice to do this for all children (as we do) it is only mandatory for nursery and reception children.


We were able to demonstrate partnership working with the school(s) through the notebook system we use when delivering/collecting the children, in which messages between parents/OSC/School are noted and exchanged. We are also involved in development meetings with the school(s) for children with SEN.


Hope that's of use.





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