Guest Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 hi can anyone give me a link to a daily routine in nursery? i am new to nursery, and altough the year has gone well, i want to make changes for mext year. oh should prob mention i am a primary teacher and our nursrey is part of the school. if not a link maybe some good ideas and suggestions. many thanks. ali x
katekit Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 hi can anyone give me a link to a daily routine in nursery? i am new to nursery, and altough the year has gone well, i want to make changes for mext year. oh should prob mention i am a primary teacher and our nursrey is part of the school. if not a link maybe some good ideas and suggestions. many thanks. ali x Children come in to nursery and go straight to activities (free flow inside/outside) and focus activities, snacktime is either altogether or self service depending on what is happening in nursery. 'Outdoor activities' (playtime) 10.30 ish. back into nursery for carpet activities approx 11.15 when we do phonics, number, story or RE. a.m children go home 11.35, others get ready for lunch. afternoon is similar. We also fit in a P.E. sesion in the hall, 'wake up- shake up' twice a week and assembly on a Friday.
Guest pamgreen Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 Our children arrive at nursery at 9 and go straight to their key person groups. After group time there is free flow play indoors & outdoors. We have a snack bar which children access independently. Children go back to their key person groups for story at 11.30 after story children who are staying for lunch prepare for this, some children leave at 12. Other children leave at 12. We then have afternoon children arrive at 12.30 they go to their key person whilst the children finish off their lunch. Then children who leave at 1 go home, we then have free flow till 14.30 when children go to their key person group for story, then its tidy up and children leave at 3. We also have music and ballet slotted into two mornings and forest school of a Wednesday. It sounds chaotic but it works well. We did get an outstanding so we must be doing OK
Guest Posted May 5, 2009 Posted May 5, 2009 Hi, At the moment my nursery come in to free play and then we register and have whole class carpet time til 9.30. Then we have free play inside and outside, including focus activities until 11.00 when we tidy up and have story. Children go home at 11.30. Children were accessing snack table when they wanted but i have just changed this to whiole class snack at 10.15. We have PE one morning a week too.
Guest Posted May 5, 2009 Posted May 5, 2009 Hi, We have free play from 9-10am then register. 10-11.15 snack (during this time we have messy play, keyworker group work and focused activities). 11.30 tidy up time then story/discussion. 11.40 children divided into groups for outside or inside physical play. 12.15 whole group comes together for singing/music & movement, instruments. Home time at 12.30pm. Works well for us (pre-school village hall setting 32 children max. aged 2-4yrs) dottyp
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