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Eprofile Description For Scale Points

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Good evening all


I had internal moderation yesterday and it went fab I have to say. She said that as a way forward and to improve our links with parents we could write our own eprofile handbook of the scale points and what they might mean at home etc. I was wondering whether anyone else has attempted anything similar and was willing to share ideas. I would be very grateful for all comments and when I have completed I will post it on here for others to use.




no doubt your moderator will be back next year asking for a copy of said manual... so make sure you copyright it or charge her/him!!!! :o


it will be cluster moderation next year so might escape the net lol - it was only things to think about but I just wondered how many other settings are using it - if the best already are and is it really the way forward. thanks for you thoughts thou


Nice idea- but loads of work.

Sounds like something that should be a national document to draw up- it would take so long to put everything together.


Well done on the moderation going well.



I don't know if it will be helpful but our LA send out newsletters for each of the six areas and next to the point they have written one or two child/parent friendly 'I can..' statements. I'm using them next year to help parents understand what we are looking for. Its Linconshire LA - birthtofive website.



Im in Lincolnshire aswell seems silly moderation did not mention about using I can statements. I have those myself but had never made the link about using them for parents. Thanks I will look into this.

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