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Staff Training Session

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Hi - i know this is a really big area - but i need some help to focus my thinking!!! Have to deliver a training session for staff focusing on effective use of questionning to extend children's thinking!! Anybody got any hints / info / useful websites for refrence that would provide me with a starting point. Would be soooooooooooooooo grateful. Thank you xx


Saw this and remembered an article I read in Nursery World on 5th Feb '09 on questioning and explaining which made me think and was useful to freshen up things. It might be on their website so may be worth having a search.


The other place I was going to suggest looking at but is also referenced in the Nursery World article is the Ted Wragg and George Brown book on Questioning - it was very well thumbed through in prep. for my dissertation so can well recommend.


Also have you tried Teachers TV - just discovered it myself the other day and found some good videos.


Just had another thought - Edward de Bono - I went on a course many years ago where they mentioned him and the six thinking hats to extend children's thinking and know it was used in some of the schools nearby. I'm afraid I can't remember the details but might be worth a google!

Hi - i know this is a really big area - but i need some help to focus my thinking!!! Have to deliver a training session for staff focusing on effective use of questionning to extend children's thinking!! Anybody got any hints / info / useful websites for refrence that would provide me with a starting point. Would be soooooooooooooooo grateful. Thank you xx


Hi There!

traiing sessions sounds like fun!

a quick idea from me.. four children sitting on a bed...

draw 4 curved w`s, underline these then add l at each end to complete a `bed`: H

this can help visual learners (such as myself) remember `What`, `Where`, `Why`, `When`, `How` these key words can lead open ended questions. What does it do/look like/eat?, Where does this go?, Why does it move like that/stay still/break/change?, when did this happen?, How does this work?

Almost as if you are trying a reverse to the yes/no game, that is asking questions that the child can not answer yes or no.

Also, when children ask you a question, try not to answer, but to help them find the answer, I`m not sure how could we find out?, what do you think? etc

Have fun!



I went on a course yesterday on Sustained Critical Thinking and they used the EYFS card 4.3 - Creativity and Critical Thinking as a starting point.



Thanks for all those responses - really great ideas which sparked off my thoughts - session now planned - just have to deliver it effectively!!! LOL


PS - thanks for the link wolfie - had got that pack and it has been really good in giving me activities for the groups to work on to aid releftion - i would def recommend it to anyone else looking for info on the same thing :)

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